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package server
import (
2024-12-18 14:24:56 +00:00
func setupLinstromApiRouter() http.Handler {
router := http.NewServeMux()
router.Handle("/v1/", http.StripPrefix("/v1", setupLinstromApiV1Router()))
router.Handle("/s2s/v1/", http.StripPrefix("/s2s/v1", setupLinstromS2SApiV1Router()))
return router
func setupLinstromApiV1Router() http.Handler {
router := http.NewServeMux()
// Notes
// Get a note
router.HandleFunc("GET /notes/{noteId}", linstromGetNote)
// Send a new note
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes", linstromNewNote)
// Update a note
router.HandleFunc("PATCH /notes/{noteId}", linstromUpdateNote)
// Delete a note
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /notes/{noteId}", linstromDeleteNote)
// Reactions
// Get all reactions for a note
router.HandleFunc("GET /notes/{noteId}/reactions", linstromGetReactions)
// Send a new reaction to a note
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes/{noteId}/reactions", linstromAddReaction)
// Update own reaction on a note
router.HandleFunc("PATCH /notes/{noteId}/reactions", linstromUpdateReaction)
// Remove own reaction on a note
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /notes/{noteId}/reactions", linstromDeleteReaction)
// Boosts
// Get all boosters of a note
router.HandleFunc("GET /notes/{noteId}/boosts", linstromGetBoosts)
// Boost a note
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes/{noteId}/boosts", linstromAddBoost)
// Unboost a note
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /notes/{noteId}/boosts", linstromRemoveBoost)
// Quotes
// Get all quotes of a note
router.HandleFunc("GET /notes/{noteId}/quotes", linstromGetQuotes)
// Create a new quote message of a given note
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes/{noteId}/quotes", linstromAddQuote)
// Pinning
// Pin a note to account profile
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes/{noteId}/pin", linstromPinNote)
// Unpin a note from account profile
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /notes/{noteId}/pin", linstromUnpinNote)
// Reports
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes/{noteId}/report", linstromReportNote)
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /notes/{noteId}/report", linstromRetractReportNote)
// Admin
router.HandleFunc("POST /notes/{noteId}/admin/cw", linstromForceCWNote)
// Accounts
// Creating a new account happens either during fetch of a remote one or during registration with a passkey
// Get an account
router.HandleFunc("GET /accounts/{accountId}", linstromGetAccount)
// Update own account
// Technically also requires authenticated account to also be owner or correct admin perms,
// but that's annoying to handle in a general sense. So leaving that to the function
// though figuring out a nice generic-ish way to handle those checks would be nice too
"PATCH /accounts/{accountId}",
// Delete own account
// Technically also requires authenticated account to also be owner or correct admin perms,
// but that's annoying to handle in a general sense. So leaving that to the function
"DELETE /accounts/{accountId}",
// Follow
// Is logged in following accountId
"GET /accounts/{accountId}/follow/to",
// Is accountId following logged in
"GET /accounts/{accountId}/follow/from",
// Send follow request to accountId
router.HandleFunc("POST /accounts/{accountId}/follow", linstromFollowAccount)
// Undo follow request to accountId
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/follow", linstromUnfollowAccount)
// Block
// Is logged in account blocking target account
router.HandleFunc("GET /accounts/{accountId}/block", linstromIsBlockingAccount)
// Block target account
router.HandleFunc("POST /accounts/{accountId}/block", linstromBlockAccount)
// Unblock target account
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/block", linstromUnblockAccount)
// Mute
// Has logged in account muted target account?
router.HandleFunc("GET /accounts/{accountId}/mute", linstromIsMutedAccount)
// Mute target account
router.HandleFunc("POST /accounts/{accountId}/mute", linstromMuteAccount)
// Unmute target account
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/mute", linstromUnmuteAccount)
// Report
// Report a target account
router.HandleFunc("POST /accounts/{accountId}/reports", linstromReportAccount)
// Undo report on target account
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/reports", linstromRetractReportAccount)
// Admin
// Add new role to account
"POST /accounts/{accountId}/admin/roles",
&storage.Role{CanAssignRoles: other.IntoPointer(true)},
// Remove role from account
"DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/admin/roles/{roleName}",
buildRequirePermissionsMiddleware(&storage.Role{CanAssignRoles: other.IntoPointer(true)})(
// Send a warning to account
router.HandleFunc("POST /accounts/{accountId}/admin/warn", linstromAdminWarnAccount)
// Roles
// Get a role
router.HandleFunc("GET /roles/{roleId}", linstromGetRole)
// Create a new role
router.HandleFunc("POST /roles", linstromCreateRole)
// Update a role. Builtin roles cannot be edited
router.HandleFunc("PATCH /roles/{roleId}", linstromUpdateRole)
// Delete a role. Builtin roles cannot be deleted
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /roles/{roleId}", linstromDeleteRole)
// Media metadata
// Get the metadata for some media
router.HandleFunc("GET /media/{mediaId}", linstromGetMediaMetadata)
// Upload new media
router.HandleFunc("POST /media", linstromNewMediaMetadata)
// Update the metadata for some media
router.HandleFunc("PATCH /media/{mediaId}", linstromUpdateMediaMetadata)
// Delete a media entry
router.HandleFunc("DELETE /media/{mediaId}", linstromDeleteMediaMetadata)
// Event streams
router.HandleFunc("/streams", linstromEventStream)
return router
func setupLinstromS2SApiV1Router() http.Handler {
router := http.NewServeMux()
// TODO: Figure out a decent server to server API definition
router.HandleFunc("/", placeholderEndpoint)
return router