// Code generated by cmd/RolesGenerator DO NOT EDIT. // If you need to refresh the content, run go generate again package storage import ( "slices" "gitlab.com/mstarongitlab/goutils/sliceutils" ) func CollapseRolesIntoOne(roles ...Role) Role { startingRole := RoleDeepCopy(DefaultUserRole) slices.SortFunc(roles, func(a, b Role) int { return int(int64(a.Priority)-int64(b.Priority)) }) for _, role := range roles { if role.CanViewDeletedNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanViewDeletedNotes = *role.CanViewDeletedNotes } if role.CanSendPrivateNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanSendPrivateNotes = *role.CanSendPrivateNotes } if role.CanBoost != nil { *startingRole.CanBoost = *role.CanBoost } if role.BlockedUsers != nil { startingRole.BlockedUsers = append(startingRole.BlockedUsers, role.BlockedUsers...) } if role.WithholdNotesRegexes != nil { startingRole.WithholdNotesRegexes = append(startingRole.WithholdNotesRegexes, role.WithholdNotesRegexes...) } if role.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers != nil { *startingRole.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers = *role.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers } if role.CanManageCustomEmotes != nil { *startingRole.CanManageCustomEmotes = *role.CanManageCustomEmotes } if role.CanQuote != nil { *startingRole.CanQuote = *role.CanQuote } if role.CanFederateFedi != nil { *startingRole.CanFederateFedi = *role.CanFederateFedi } if role.CanFederateBsky != nil { *startingRole.CanFederateBsky = *role.CanFederateBsky } if role.CanSendLocalNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanSendLocalNotes = *role.CanSendLocalNotes } if role.AutoCwPosts != nil { *startingRole.AutoCwPosts = *role.AutoCwPosts } if role.DisallowInteractionsWith != nil { startingRole.DisallowInteractionsWith = append(startingRole.DisallowInteractionsWith, role.DisallowInteractionsWith...) } if role.CanSendMedia != nil { *startingRole.CanSendMedia = *role.CanSendMedia } if role.CanSendCustomEmotes != nil { *startingRole.CanSendCustomEmotes = *role.CanSendCustomEmotes } if role.CanSendCustomReactions != nil { *startingRole.CanSendCustomReactions = *role.CanSendCustomReactions } if role.MentionLimit != nil { *startingRole.MentionLimit = *role.MentionLimit } if role.AutoNsfwMedia != nil { *startingRole.AutoNsfwMedia = *role.AutoNsfwMedia } if role.ScanCreatedLocalNotes != nil { *startingRole.ScanCreatedLocalNotes = *role.ScanCreatedLocalNotes } if role.CanAffectOtherAdmins != nil { *startingRole.CanAffectOtherAdmins = *role.CanAffectOtherAdmins } if role.CanRecoverDeletedNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanRecoverDeletedNotes = *role.CanRecoverDeletedNotes } if role.CanSendPublicNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanSendPublicNotes = *role.CanSendPublicNotes } if role.CanIncludeLinks != nil { *startingRole.CanIncludeLinks = *role.CanIncludeLinks } if role.CanLogin != nil { *startingRole.CanLogin = *role.CanLogin } if role.CanManageAvatarDecorations != nil { *startingRole.CanManageAvatarDecorations = *role.CanManageAvatarDecorations } if role.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes != nil { *startingRole.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes = *role.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes } if role.FullAdmin != nil { *startingRole.FullAdmin = *role.FullAdmin } if role.CanOverwriteDisplayNames != nil { *startingRole.CanOverwriteDisplayNames = *role.CanOverwriteDisplayNames } if role.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes = *role.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes } if role.CanChangeDisplayName != nil { *startingRole.CanChangeDisplayName = *role.CanChangeDisplayName } if role.AutoCwPostsText != nil { *startingRole.AutoCwPostsText = *role.AutoCwPostsText } if role.WithholdNotesForManualApproval != nil { *startingRole.WithholdNotesForManualApproval = *role.WithholdNotesForManualApproval } if role.CanDeleteNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanDeleteNotes = *role.CanDeleteNotes } if role.CanSubmitReports != nil { *startingRole.CanSubmitReports = *role.CanSubmitReports } if role.HasMentionCountLimit != nil { *startingRole.HasMentionCountLimit = *role.HasMentionCountLimit } if role.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes != nil { *startingRole.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes = *role.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes } if role.CanSendAnnouncements != nil { *startingRole.CanSendAnnouncements = *role.CanSendAnnouncements } if role.CanIncludeSurvey != nil { *startingRole.CanIncludeSurvey = *role.CanIncludeSurvey } if role.ScanCreatedPublicNotes != nil { *startingRole.ScanCreatedPublicNotes = *role.ScanCreatedPublicNotes } if role.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex != nil { *startingRole.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex = *role.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex } if role.CanAssignRoles != nil { *startingRole.CanAssignRoles = *role.CanAssignRoles } if role.CanManageAds != nil { *startingRole.CanManageAds = *role.CanManageAds } if role.CanSendReplies != nil { *startingRole.CanSendReplies = *role.CanSendReplies } if role.CanMentionOthers != nil { *startingRole.CanMentionOthers = *role.CanMentionOthers } if role.CanConfirmWithheldNotes != nil { *startingRole.CanConfirmWithheldNotes = *role.CanConfirmWithheldNotes } } return startingRole } func RoleDeepCopy(o Role) Role { n := Role{} n.Model = o.Model n.Name = o.Name n.Priority = o.Priority n.IsUserRole = o.IsUserRole n.IsBuiltIn = o.IsBuiltIn if o.AutoNsfwMedia == nil { n.AutoNsfwMedia = nil } else { t := *o.AutoNsfwMedia n.AutoNsfwMedia = &t } if o.ScanCreatedLocalNotes == nil { n.ScanCreatedLocalNotes = nil } else { t := *o.ScanCreatedLocalNotes n.ScanCreatedLocalNotes = &t } if o.CanAffectOtherAdmins == nil { n.CanAffectOtherAdmins = nil } else { t := *o.CanAffectOtherAdmins n.CanAffectOtherAdmins = &t } if o.CanRecoverDeletedNotes == nil { n.CanRecoverDeletedNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanRecoverDeletedNotes n.CanRecoverDeletedNotes = &t } if o.CanSendPublicNotes == nil { n.CanSendPublicNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendPublicNotes n.CanSendPublicNotes = &t } if o.CanIncludeLinks == nil { n.CanIncludeLinks = nil } else { t := *o.CanIncludeLinks n.CanIncludeLinks = &t } if o.CanLogin == nil { n.CanLogin = nil } else { t := *o.CanLogin n.CanLogin = &t } if o.MentionLimit == nil { n.MentionLimit = nil } else { t := *o.MentionLimit n.MentionLimit = &t } if o.CanManageAvatarDecorations == nil { n.CanManageAvatarDecorations = nil } else { t := *o.CanManageAvatarDecorations n.CanManageAvatarDecorations = &t } if o.FullAdmin == nil { n.FullAdmin = nil } else { t := *o.FullAdmin n.FullAdmin = &t } if o.CanOverwriteDisplayNames == nil { n.CanOverwriteDisplayNames = nil } else { t := *o.CanOverwriteDisplayNames n.CanOverwriteDisplayNames = &t } if o.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes == nil { n.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes n.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes = &t } if o.CanChangeDisplayName == nil { n.CanChangeDisplayName = nil } else { t := *o.CanChangeDisplayName n.CanChangeDisplayName = &t } if o.AutoCwPostsText == nil { n.AutoCwPostsText = nil } else { t := *o.AutoCwPostsText n.AutoCwPostsText = &t } if o.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes == nil { n.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes = nil } else { t := *o.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes n.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes = &t } if o.CanDeleteNotes == nil { n.CanDeleteNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanDeleteNotes n.CanDeleteNotes = &t } if o.CanSubmitReports == nil { n.CanSubmitReports = nil } else { t := *o.CanSubmitReports n.CanSubmitReports = &t } if o.HasMentionCountLimit == nil { n.HasMentionCountLimit = nil } else { t := *o.HasMentionCountLimit n.HasMentionCountLimit = &t } if o.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes == nil { n.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes = nil } else { t := *o.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes n.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes = &t } if o.WithholdNotesForManualApproval == nil { n.WithholdNotesForManualApproval = nil } else { t := *o.WithholdNotesForManualApproval n.WithholdNotesForManualApproval = &t } if o.CanIncludeSurvey == nil { n.CanIncludeSurvey = nil } else { t := *o.CanIncludeSurvey n.CanIncludeSurvey = &t } if o.ScanCreatedPublicNotes == nil { n.ScanCreatedPublicNotes = nil } else { t := *o.ScanCreatedPublicNotes n.ScanCreatedPublicNotes = &t } if o.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex == nil { n.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex = nil } else { t := *o.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex n.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex = &t } if o.CanSendAnnouncements == nil { n.CanSendAnnouncements = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendAnnouncements n.CanSendAnnouncements = &t } if o.CanManageAds == nil { n.CanManageAds = nil } else { t := *o.CanManageAds n.CanManageAds = &t } if o.CanSendReplies == nil { n.CanSendReplies = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendReplies n.CanSendReplies = &t } if o.CanMentionOthers == nil { n.CanMentionOthers = nil } else { t := *o.CanMentionOthers n.CanMentionOthers = &t } if o.CanConfirmWithheldNotes == nil { n.CanConfirmWithheldNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanConfirmWithheldNotes n.CanConfirmWithheldNotes = &t } if o.CanAssignRoles == nil { n.CanAssignRoles = nil } else { t := *o.CanAssignRoles n.CanAssignRoles = &t } if o.CanSendPrivateNotes == nil { n.CanSendPrivateNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendPrivateNotes n.CanSendPrivateNotes = &t } if o.CanBoost == nil { n.CanBoost = nil } else { t := *o.CanBoost n.CanBoost = &t } n.BlockedUsers = slices.Clone(o.BlockedUsers) if o.CanViewDeletedNotes == nil { n.CanViewDeletedNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanViewDeletedNotes n.CanViewDeletedNotes = &t } if o.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers == nil { n.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers = nil } else { t := *o.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers n.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers = &t } if o.CanManageCustomEmotes == nil { n.CanManageCustomEmotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanManageCustomEmotes n.CanManageCustomEmotes = &t } if o.CanQuote == nil { n.CanQuote = nil } else { t := *o.CanQuote n.CanQuote = &t } if o.CanFederateFedi == nil { n.CanFederateFedi = nil } else { t := *o.CanFederateFedi n.CanFederateFedi = &t } if o.CanFederateBsky == nil { n.CanFederateBsky = nil } else { t := *o.CanFederateBsky n.CanFederateBsky = &t } n.WithholdNotesRegexes = slices.Clone(o.WithholdNotesRegexes) if o.AutoCwPosts == nil { n.AutoCwPosts = nil } else { t := *o.AutoCwPosts n.AutoCwPosts = &t } n.DisallowInteractionsWith = slices.Clone(o.DisallowInteractionsWith) if o.CanSendMedia == nil { n.CanSendMedia = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendMedia n.CanSendMedia = &t } if o.CanSendCustomEmotes == nil { n.CanSendCustomEmotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendCustomEmotes n.CanSendCustomEmotes = &t } if o.CanSendCustomReactions == nil { n.CanSendCustomReactions = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendCustomReactions n.CanSendCustomReactions = &t } if o.CanSendLocalNotes == nil { n.CanSendLocalNotes = nil } else { t := *o.CanSendLocalNotes n.CanSendLocalNotes = &t } return n } func CompareRoles(a, b *Role) bool { return (a.CanQuote == nil || b.CanQuote == nil || a.CanQuote == b.CanQuote) && (a.CanFederateFedi == nil || b.CanFederateFedi == nil || a.CanFederateFedi == b.CanFederateFedi) && (a.CanFederateBsky == nil || b.CanFederateBsky == nil || a.CanFederateBsky == b.CanFederateBsky) && (a.WithholdNotesRegexes == nil || b.WithholdNotesRegexes == nil || sliceutils.CompareUnordered(a.WithholdNotesRegexes,b.WithholdNotesRegexes)) && (a.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers == nil || b.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers == nil || a.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers == b.CanSupressInteractionsBetweenUsers) && (a.CanManageCustomEmotes == nil || b.CanManageCustomEmotes == nil || a.CanManageCustomEmotes == b.CanManageCustomEmotes) && (a.CanSendMedia == nil || b.CanSendMedia == nil || a.CanSendMedia == b.CanSendMedia) && (a.CanSendCustomEmotes == nil || b.CanSendCustomEmotes == nil || a.CanSendCustomEmotes == b.CanSendCustomEmotes) && (a.CanSendCustomReactions == nil || b.CanSendCustomReactions == nil || a.CanSendCustomReactions == b.CanSendCustomReactions) && (a.CanSendLocalNotes == nil || b.CanSendLocalNotes == nil || a.CanSendLocalNotes == b.CanSendLocalNotes) && (a.AutoCwPosts == nil || b.AutoCwPosts == nil || a.AutoCwPosts == b.AutoCwPosts) && (a.DisallowInteractionsWith == nil || b.DisallowInteractionsWith == nil || sliceutils.CompareUnordered(a.DisallowInteractionsWith,b.DisallowInteractionsWith)) && (a.CanSendPublicNotes == nil || b.CanSendPublicNotes == nil || a.CanSendPublicNotes == b.CanSendPublicNotes) && (a.CanIncludeLinks == nil || b.CanIncludeLinks == nil || a.CanIncludeLinks == b.CanIncludeLinks) && (a.CanLogin == nil || b.CanLogin == nil || a.CanLogin == b.CanLogin) && (a.MentionLimit == nil || b.MentionLimit == nil || a.MentionLimit == b.MentionLimit) && (a.AutoNsfwMedia == nil || b.AutoNsfwMedia == nil || a.AutoNsfwMedia == b.AutoNsfwMedia) && (a.ScanCreatedLocalNotes == nil || b.ScanCreatedLocalNotes == nil || a.ScanCreatedLocalNotes == b.ScanCreatedLocalNotes) && (a.CanAffectOtherAdmins == nil || b.CanAffectOtherAdmins == nil || a.CanAffectOtherAdmins == b.CanAffectOtherAdmins) && (a.CanRecoverDeletedNotes == nil || b.CanRecoverDeletedNotes == nil || a.CanRecoverDeletedNotes == b.CanRecoverDeletedNotes) && (a.CanManageAvatarDecorations == nil || b.CanManageAvatarDecorations == nil || a.CanManageAvatarDecorations == b.CanManageAvatarDecorations) && (a.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes == nil || b.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes == nil || a.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes == b.CanSendFollowerOnlyNotes) && (a.CanChangeDisplayName == nil || b.CanChangeDisplayName == nil || a.CanChangeDisplayName == b.CanChangeDisplayName) && (a.AutoCwPostsText == nil || b.AutoCwPostsText == nil || a.AutoCwPostsText == b.AutoCwPostsText) && (a.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes == nil || b.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes == nil || a.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes == b.ScanCreatedPrivateNotes) && (a.FullAdmin == nil || b.FullAdmin == nil || a.FullAdmin == b.FullAdmin) && (a.CanOverwriteDisplayNames == nil || b.CanOverwriteDisplayNames == nil || a.CanOverwriteDisplayNames == b.CanOverwriteDisplayNames) && (a.CanSubmitReports == nil || b.CanSubmitReports == nil || a.CanSubmitReports == b.CanSubmitReports) && (a.HasMentionCountLimit == nil || b.HasMentionCountLimit == nil || a.HasMentionCountLimit == b.HasMentionCountLimit) && (a.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes == nil || b.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes == nil || a.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes == b.ScanCreatedFollowerOnlyNotes) && (a.WithholdNotesForManualApproval == nil || b.WithholdNotesForManualApproval == nil || a.WithholdNotesForManualApproval == b.WithholdNotesForManualApproval) && (a.CanDeleteNotes == nil || b.CanDeleteNotes == nil || a.CanDeleteNotes == b.CanDeleteNotes) && (a.CanIncludeSurvey == nil || b.CanIncludeSurvey == nil || a.CanIncludeSurvey == b.CanIncludeSurvey) && (a.ScanCreatedPublicNotes == nil || b.ScanCreatedPublicNotes == nil || a.ScanCreatedPublicNotes == b.ScanCreatedPublicNotes) && (a.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex == nil || b.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex == nil || a.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex == b.WithholdNotesBasedOnRegex) && (a.CanSendAnnouncements == nil || b.CanSendAnnouncements == nil || a.CanSendAnnouncements == b.CanSendAnnouncements) && (a.CanSendReplies == nil || b.CanSendReplies == nil || a.CanSendReplies == b.CanSendReplies) && (a.CanMentionOthers == nil || b.CanMentionOthers == nil || a.CanMentionOthers == b.CanMentionOthers) && (a.CanConfirmWithheldNotes == nil || b.CanConfirmWithheldNotes == nil || a.CanConfirmWithheldNotes == b.CanConfirmWithheldNotes) && (a.CanAssignRoles == nil || b.CanAssignRoles == nil || a.CanAssignRoles == b.CanAssignRoles) && (a.CanManageAds == nil || b.CanManageAds == nil || a.CanManageAds == b.CanManageAds) && (a.CanSendPrivateNotes == nil || b.CanSendPrivateNotes == nil || a.CanSendPrivateNotes == b.CanSendPrivateNotes) && (a.CanBoost == nil || b.CanBoost == nil || a.CanBoost == b.CanBoost) && (a.BlockedUsers == nil || b.BlockedUsers == nil || sliceutils.CompareUnordered(a.BlockedUsers,b.BlockedUsers)) && (a.CanViewDeletedNotes == nil || b.CanViewDeletedNotes == nil || a.CanViewDeletedNotes == b.CanViewDeletedNotes) && (a == nil || b == nil || a.CanViewDeletedNotes == b.CanViewDeletedNotes) }