import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export interface AuthPostRegistrationFormSignature { // The arguments accepted by the component Args: { username: string; }; // Any blocks yielded by the component Blocks: { default: []; }; // The element to which `...attributes` is applied in the component template Element: null; } export default class AuthPostRegistrationForm extends Component { @tracked displayname: string = this.args.username; @tracked description: string = ''; @tracked gender: Array<{ value: string }> = []; @tracked beingTypes: Array<{ name: string; checked: boolean; description: string; }> = [ { name: 'Human', description: 'Human', checked: true, }, { name: 'Cat', description: 'Cat', checked: false, }, { name: 'Fox', description: 'Fox', checked: false, }, { name: 'Dog', description: 'Dog', checked: false, }, { name: 'Robot', description: 'Robot', checked: false, }, { name: 'Doll', description: 'Doll', checked: false, }, ]; @tracked defaultpostmode: string = 'public'; @tracked followapproval: boolean = false; // Actual custom properties stored in here @tracked customProperties: Array<{ key: string; value: string }> = []; @tracked indexable: boolean = true; genderAddedHandler(newIndex: number) { console.log('gender added'); } genderRemovedHandler(removedIndex: number) { console.log('gender removed'); } }