package server import ( "net/http" "" ) // Helper func for redirecting a request to another url if that request does not the proper content type headers func redirectIfNotApRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, redirectTarget string) bool { logger := ContextGetLogger(w, r) if logger == nil { return false } if ap.ContainsApContentHeader(r.Header.Get("Content-Type")) { return false } // redirect with code 307 temporary redirect so that the client sends the same request, but to the given redirect target url instead http.Redirect(w, r, redirectTarget, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) logger.Info(). Str("from-url", r.URL.RawPath). Str("to-url", redirectTarget). Msg("Redirecting non-ap request to ap endpoint to proper endpoint") return true } // Mount under /api/ap/note/{id} // Handles requests for the AP version of a note with the given id // And redirects non-ap requests to the web version func noteApHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { store := ContextGetStorage(w, r) if store == nil { return } logger := ContextGetLogger(w, r) if logger == nil { return } // First things first, get the note id from the url noteId := r.PathValue("id") // If there is no id (empty string means no value was provided), error out if noteId == "" { logger.Info().Msg("Attempted to request a note without providing an ID") http.Error(w, "missing note id", http.StatusBadRequest) return } if redirectIfNotApRequest(w, r, "/notes/"+noteId) { return } note, err := store.FindNoteById(noteId) } // Mount under /api/ap/user/{id} func userApHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) { }