mStar 5fb5dae31e Start work on account display
Also no idea wtf is going on with the models
2024-11-21 16:34:20 +01:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

import Model, { attr, hasMany, type AsyncHasMany } from '@ember-data/model';
import type AccountModel from './account';
import type MediaMetadataModel from './media-metadata';
import type OriginServer from './origin-server';
export default class Note extends Model {
@attr declare content: string;
@attr declare originServer: OriginServer;
@attr declare originServerId: number;
@attr declare reactionCount: number;
@attr declare createdAt: Date;
@attr declare updatedAt: Date;
@attr declare author: AccountModel;
@attr declare authorId: string;
@attr declare contentWarning?: string;
@attr declare inReplyToId?: string;
@attr declare quotesId?: string;
@attr declare emoteIds?: Array<string>;
declare attachments: AsyncHasMany<MediaMetadataModel>;
@attr declare attachmentIds: Array<string>;
@attr declare accessLevel: number;
@hasMany('account') declare pings?: AsyncHasMany<AccountModel>;
@attr declare pingIds?: Array<string>;
@attr declare reactionIds: Array<number>;
declare module 'ember-data/types/registries/model' {
export default interface ModelRegistry {
note: Note;