@tool class_name LoggieEnums extends Node ## Based on which log level is currently set to be used by the Loggie., attempting to log a message that's on ## a higher-than-configured log level will result in nothing happening. enum LogLevel { ERROR, ## Log level which includes only the logging of Error type messages. WARN, ## Log level which includes the logging of Error and Warning type messages. NOTICE, ## Log level which includes the logging of Error, Warning and Notice type messages. INFO, ## Log level which includes the logging of Error, Warning, Notice and Info type messages. DEBUG ## Log level which includes the logging of Error, Warning, Notice, Info and Debug type messages. } ## The classification of message types that can be used to distinguish two identical strings in nature ## of their origin. This is different from [enum LogLevel]. enum MsgType { STANDARD, ## A message that is considered a standard text that is not special in any way. ERROR, ## A message that is considered to be an error message. WARNING, ## A message that is considered to be a warning message. DEBUG ## A message that is considered to be a message used for debugging. } enum TerminalMode { PLAIN, ## Prints will be plain text. ANSI, ## Prints will be styled using the ANSI standard. Compatible with Powershell, Win CMD, etc. BBCODE ## Prints will be styled using the Godot BBCode rules. Compatible with the Godot console. } enum BoxCharactersMode { COMPATIBLE, ## Boxes are drawn using characters that compatible with any kind of terminal or text reader. PRETTY ## Boxes are drawn using special unicode characters that create a prettier looking box which may not display properly in some terminals or text readers. } ## Defines a list of possible approaches that can be taken to derive some kind of a class name proxy from a script that doesn't have a 'class_name' clause. enum NamelessClassExtensionNameProxy { NOTHING, ## If there is no class_name, nothing will be displayed. SCRIPT_NAME, ## Use the name of the script whose class_name we tried to read. (e.g. "my_script.gd"). BASE_TYPE, ## Use the name of the base type which the script extends (e.g. 'Node2D', 'Control', etc.) } ## Defines a list of possible behaviors for the 'show_loggie_specs' setting. enum ShowLoggieSpecsMode { DISABLED, ## Loggie specs won't be shown. ESSENTIAL, ## Show only the essentials. ADVANCED ## Show all loggie specs. } ## Defines a list of possible outcomes that can happen when attempting to log a message. enum LogAttemptResult { SUCCESS, ## Message will be logged successfully. LOG_LEVEL_INSUFFICIENT, ## Message won't be logged because it was output at a log level higher than what Loggie is currently set to. DOMAIN_DISABLED, ## Message won't be logged because it was outputted from a disabled domain. }