- The border: - Separates normal world from plane of eldritch horrors - Is weakening due to efforts from horrors to invade - Fortold in ancient Unown scripts? - Prof: - Dr Willow - "Antagonist" - Discovered existence of border long ago - Knows that the border is weakening - Tries to restore border strength - Works directly against horror - Horror: - True antagonist - Wants to invade normal world - Manipulates media, people, etc to stop prof - Can only act indirectly (via manipulation) while border still up - Climax fight - Switches to new effect every new turn - Effect NOT known until prof finishes new tool - First displays effect - Later freezes effect and makes horror hittable - Main character: - First influenced by surroundings to work against prof - Switches sides to help prof during story endgame - Other side: - Fights affected by it have one random effect applied - Effect changes one of the core mechanics - Rotate type table on X axis by some value - Rotate type table on Y axis by some value - Flip type table X - Flip type table Y - Flip super effective and not effective - Flip buff effect (+ -> -, - -> +) - Effects affect other party, not self - Story Endgame: - Fall through world - Defeat tentacles in breach locations - Enter other side for final fight