class_name CustomLoggieSettings extends LoggieSettings func load(): # Omit settings from here to have them use their default value instead. # Otherwise, directly set the value of the setting to your liking. # Any variable in [LoggieSettings] is a valid target to alter. # You could also have them loaded here in some custom way, for example, from a .json or .ini file. # See the documentation of the [LoggieSettings] class to see all available options and their descriptions. self.terminal_mode = LoggieEnums.TerminalMode.BBCODE self.log_level = LoggieEnums.LogLevel.INFO self.show_loggie_specs = LoggieEnums.ShowLoggieSpecsMode.ESSENTIAL self.show_system_specs = true self.enforce_optimal_settings_in_release_build = true self.output_message_domain = true self.print_errors_to_console = true self.print_warnings_to_console = true self.use_print_debug_for_debug_msg = true self.derive_and_show_class_names = true self.nameless_class_name_proxy = LoggieEnums.NamelessClassExtensionNameProxy.BASE_TYPE self.output_timestamps = true self.timestamps_use_utc = true self.format_timestamp = "[{day}.{month}.{year} {hour}:{minute}:{second}]" self.format_info_msg = "{msg}" self.format_notice_msg = "[b][color=cyan][NOTICE]:[/color][/b] {msg}" self.format_warning_msg = "[b][color=orange][WARN]:[/color][/b] {msg}" self.format_error_msg = "[b][color=red][ERROR]:[/color][/b] {msg}" self.format_debug_msg = "[b][color=pink][DEBUG]:[/color][/b] {msg}" self.format_header = "[b][i]{msg}[/i][/b]" self.format_domain_prefix = "[b]({domain})[/b] {msg}" self.h_separator_symbol = "-" self.box_characters_mode = LoggieEnums.BoxCharactersMode.COMPATIBLE self.box_symbols_compatible = { "top_left" : "-", "top_right" : "-", "bottom_left" : "-", "bottom_right" : "-", "h_line" : "-", "v_line" : ":", } self.box_symbols_pretty = { "top_left" : "┌", "top_right" : "┐", "bottom_left" : "└", "bottom_right" : "┘", "h_line" : "─", "v_line" : "│", }