generated from mstar/godot-template
94 lines
2.1 KiB
94 lines
2.1 KiB
extends RefCounted
const State = preload("states/")
var path
var current:
get = get_current
var base:
get = get_base
var end:
get = get_end
var _current_index = 0
var _dirs = [""] # Empty string equals to root
func _init(p):
path = p
_dirs += Array(p.split("/"))
# Move to next level and return state if exists, else null
func next():
if has_next():
_current_index += 1
return get_current_end()
return null
# Move to previous level and return state if exists, else null
func back():
if has_back():
_current_index -= 1
return get_current_end()
return null
# Move to specified index and return state
func goto(index):
assert(index > -1 and index < _dirs.size())
_current_index = index
return get_current_end()
# Check if directory has next level
func has_next():
return _current_index < _dirs.size() - 1
# Check if directory has previous level
func has_back():
return _current_index > 0
# Get current full path
func get_current():
# In Godot 4.x the end parameter of Array.slice() is EXCLUSIVE!
var packed_string_array: PackedStringArray = PackedStringArray(_dirs.slice(get_base_index(), _current_index+1))
return "/".join(packed_string_array)
# Get current end state name of path
func get_current_end():
var current_path = get_current()
return current_path.right(current_path.length()-1 - current_path.rfind("/"))
# Get index of base state
func get_base_index():
return 1 # Root(empty string) at index 0, base at index 1
# Get level index of end state
func get_end_index():
return _dirs.size() - 1
# Get base state name
func get_base():
return _dirs[get_base_index()]
# Get end state name
func get_end():
return _dirs[get_end_index()]
# Get arrays of directories
func get_dirs():
return _dirs.duplicate()
# Check if it is Entry state
func is_entry():
return get_end() == State.ENTRY_STATE
# Check if it is Exit state
func is_exit():
return get_end() == State.EXIT_STATE
# Check if it is nested. ("Base" is not nested, "Base/NextState" is nested)
func is_nested():
return _dirs.size() > 2 # Root(empty string) & base taken 2 place