2025-01-26 20:23:56 +01:00

378 lines
12 KiB

class_name StateMachinePlayer extends StackPlayer
signal transited(from, to) # Transition of state
signal entered(to) # Entry of state machine(including nested), empty string equals to root
signal exited(from) # Exit of state machine(including nested, empty string equals to root
signal updated(state, delta) # Time to update(based on process_mode), up to user to handle any logic, for example, update movement of KinematicBody
# Enum to define how state machine should be updated
enum UpdateProcessMode {
@export var state_machine: StateMachine # StateMachine being played
@export var active: = true: # Activeness of player
set = set_active
@export var autostart: = true # Automatically enter Entry state on ready if true
@export var update_process_mode: UpdateProcessMode = UpdateProcessMode.IDLE: # ProcessMode of player
set = set_update_process_mode
var _is_started = false
var _parameters # Parameters to be passed to condition
var _local_parameters
var _is_update_locked = true
var _was_transited = false # If last transition was successful
var _is_param_edited = false
func _init():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
_parameters = {}
_local_parameters = {}
_was_transited = true # Trigger _transit on _ready
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var _errors: Array[String] = []
if state_machine:
if not state_machine.has_entry():
_errors.append("The StateMachine provided does not have an Entry node.\nPlease create one to it works properly.")
_errors.append("StateMachinePlayer needs a StateMachine to run.\nPlease create a StateMachine resource to it.")
return PackedStringArray(_errors)
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
call_deferred("_initiate") # Make sure connection of signals can be done in _ready to receive all signal callback
func _initiate():
if autostart:
func _process(delta):
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
func _physics_process(delta):
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# Only get called in 2 condition, _parameters edited or last transition was successful
func _transit():
if not active:
# Attempt to transit if parameter edited or last transition was successful
if not _is_param_edited and not _was_transited:
var from = get_current()
var local_params = _local_parameters.get(path_backward(from), {})
var next_state = state_machine.transit(get_current(), _parameters, local_params)
if next_state:
if stack.has(next_state):
var to = next_state
_was_transited = next_state != null and next_state != ""
_is_param_edited = false
_flush_trigger(_local_parameters, true)
if _was_transited:
_on_state_changed(from, to)
func _on_state_changed(from, to):
match to:
emit_signal("entered", "")
set_active(false) # Disable on exit
emit_signal("exited", "")
if to.ends_with(State.ENTRY_STATE) and to.length() > State.ENTRY_STATE.length():
# Nexted Entry state
var state = path_backward(get_current())
emit_signal("entered", state)
elif to.ends_with(State.EXIT_STATE) and to.length() > State.EXIT_STATE.length():
# Nested Exit state, clear "local" params
var state = path_backward(get_current())
clear_param(state, false) # Clearing params internally, do not update
emit_signal("exited", state)
emit_signal("transited", from, to)
# Called internally if process_mode is PHYSICS/IDLE to unlock update()
func _update_start():
_is_update_locked = false
# Called internally if process_mode is PHYSICS/IDLE to lock update() from external call
func _update_end():
_is_update_locked = true
# Called after update() which is dependant on process_mode, override to process current state
func _on_updated(state, delta):
func _on_update_process_mode_changed():
if not active:
match update_process_mode:
func _on_active_changed():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
if active:
# Remove all trigger(param with null value) from provided params, only get called after _transit
# Trigger another call of _flush_trigger on first layer of dictionary if nested is true
func _flush_trigger(params, nested=false):
for param_key in params.keys():
var value = params[param_key]
if nested and value is Dictionary:
if value == null: # Param with null as value is treated as trigger
func reset(to=-1, event=ResetEventTrigger.LAST_TO_DEST):
super.reset(to, event)
_was_transited = true # Make sure to call _transit on next update
# Manually start the player, automatically called if autostart is true
func start():
assert(state_machine != null, "A StateMachine resource is required to start this StateMachinePlayer.")
assert(state_machine.has_entry(), "The StateMachine provided does not have an Entry node.")
emit_signal("entered", "")
_was_transited = true
_is_started = true
# Restart player
func restart(is_active=true, preserve_params=false):
if not preserve_params:
clear_param("", false)
# Update player to, first initiate transition, then call _on_updated, finally emit "update" signal, delta will be given based on process_mode.
# Can only be called manually if process_mode is MANUAL, otherwise, assertion error will be raised.
# *delta provided will be reflected in signal updated(state, delta)
func update(delta=get_physics_process_delta_time()):
if not active:
if update_process_mode != UpdateProcessMode.MANUAL:
assert(not _is_update_locked, "Attempting to update manually with ProcessMode %s" % UpdateProcessMode.keys()[update_process_mode])
var current_state = get_current()
_on_updated(current_state, delta)
emit_signal("updated", current_state, delta)
if update_process_mode == UpdateProcessMode.MANUAL:
# Make sure to auto advance even in MANUAL mode
if _was_transited:
# Set trigger to be tested with condition, then trigger _transit on next update,
# automatically call update() if process_mode set to MANUAL and auto_update true
# Nested trigger can be accessed through path "path/to/param_name", for example, "App/Game/is_playing"
func set_trigger(name, auto_update=true):
set_param(name, null, auto_update)
func set_nested_trigger(path, name, auto_update=true):
set_nested_param(path, name, null, auto_update)
# Set param(null value treated as trigger) to be tested with condition, then trigger _transit on next update,
# automatically call update() if process_mode set to MANUAL and auto_update true
# Nested param can be accessed through path "path/to/param_name", for example, "App/Game/is_playing"
func set_param(name, value, auto_update=true):
var path = ""
if "/" in name:
path = path_backward(name)
name = path_end_dir(name)
set_nested_param(path, name, value, auto_update)
func set_nested_param(path, name, value, auto_update=true):
if path.is_empty():
_parameters[name] = value
var local_params = _local_parameters.get(path)
if local_params is Dictionary:
local_params[name] = value
local_params = {}
local_params[name] = value
_local_parameters[path] = local_params
# Remove param, then trigger _transit on next update,
# automatically call update() if process_mode set to MANUAL and auto_update true
# Nested param can be accessed through path "path/to/param_name", for example, "App/Game/is_playing"
func erase_param(name, auto_update=true):
var path = ""
if "/" in name:
path = path_backward(name)
name = path_end_dir(name)
return erase_nested_param(path, name, auto_update)
func erase_nested_param(path, name, auto_update=true):
var result = false
if path.is_empty():
result = _parameters.erase(name)
result = _local_parameters.get(path, {}).erase(name)
return result
# Clear params from specified path, empty string to clear all, then trigger _transit on next update,
# automatically call update() if process_mode set to MANUAL and auto_update true
# Nested param can be accessed through path "path/to/param_name", for example, "App/Game/is_playing"
func clear_param(path="", auto_update=true):
if path.is_empty():
_local_parameters.get(path, {}).clear()
# Clear nested params
for param_key in _local_parameters.keys():
if param_key.begins_with(path):
# Called when param edited, automatically call update() if process_mode set to MANUAL and auto_update true
func _on_param_edited(auto_update=true):
_is_param_edited = true
if update_process_mode == UpdateProcessMode.MANUAL and auto_update and _is_started:
# Get value of param
# Nested param can be accessed through path "path/to/param_name", for example, "App/Game/is_playing"
func get_param(name, default=null):
var path = ""
if "/" in name:
path = path_backward(name)
name = path_end_dir(name)
return get_nested_param(path, name, default)
func get_nested_param(path, name, default=null):
if path.is_empty():
return _parameters.get(name, default)
var local_params = _local_parameters.get(path, {})
return local_params.get(name, default)
# Get duplicate of whole parameter dictionary
func get_params():
return _parameters.duplicate()
# Return true if param exists
# Nested param can be accessed through path "path/to/param_name", for example, "App/Game/is_playing"
func has_param(name):
var path = ""
if "/" in name:
path = path_backward(name)
name = path_end_dir(name)
return has_nested_param(path, name)
func has_nested_param(path, name):
if path.is_empty():
return name in _parameters
var local_params = _local_parameters.get(path, {})
return name in local_params
# Return if player started
func is_entered():
return State.ENTRY_STATE in stack
# Return if player ended
func is_exited():
return get_current() == State.EXIT_STATE
func set_active(v):
if active != v:
if v:
if is_exited():
push_warning("Attempting to make exited StateMachinePlayer active, call reset() then set_active() instead")
active = v
func set_update_process_mode(mode):
if update_process_mode != mode:
update_process_mode = mode
func get_current():
var v = super.get_current()
return v if v else ""
func get_previous():
var v = super.get_previous()
return v if v else ""
# Convert node path to state path that can be used to query state with StateMachine.get_state.
# Node path, "root/path/to/state", equals to State path, "path/to/state"
static func node_path_to_state_path(node_path):
var p = node_path.replace("root", "")
if p.begins_with("/"):
p = p.substr(1)
return p
# Convert state path to node path that can be used for query node in scene tree.
# State path, "path/to/state", equals to Node path, "root/path/to/state"
static func state_path_to_node_path(state_path):
var path = state_path
if path.is_empty():
path = "root"
path = str("root/", path)
return path
# Return parent path, "path/to/state" return "path/to"
static func path_backward(path):
return path.substr(0, path.rfind("/"))
# Return end directory of path, "path/to/state" returns "state"
static func path_end_dir(path):
# In Godot 4.x the old behaviour of String.right() can be achieved with
# a negative length. Check the docs:
# https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_string.html#class-string-method-right
return path.right(path.length()-1 - path.rfind("/"))